Selection of a product for the registration of a three-year warranty

  1. In the drop-down list, select the product you have purchased and now want to register for the three-year Narex s.r.o. warranty.
    You will find the order number and product type on the packaging.
    (The order number is marked "No." next to the barcode.)
  2. Fill in the date of purchase, which must not be older than 30 days from the date of registration for the three-year warranty.
  3. After selecting the product, fill in the serial numbers of all items that are contents of the package (machine, batteries, charger) in the corresponding fields. You will find the serial numbers on the rating plates directly on products.
    (The serial number is marked "S.No." in the white box.)
  4. If you want, you can upload a scan or a photo of the sales document to be included with the form.

Click on this text to find the general conditions of the three-year warranty on selected Narex s.r.o. products.
